Monday, 26 May 2014


Choices, decisions, ways of right and wrong. This is what we made our lives dependent on. This is what we accept as guidance through our education, career, parenthood... every step we take can be revised and inspected for flaws. Did I make the right choice? What if I had said the other thing, would that be better? We have every right to be sorry for some of our actions. After all, we can't know everything in advance, can we? But making choices isn't so much about the outcome as it is about having to choose in the first place. Every choice we make has many probable outcomes and then more! Almost all of us look back on split points of our paths, thinking how different our lives would be if we took the other road. We just don't realize that any choice is as good or bad as the other, it's the choice-making that we need to see as worthy or not. As much as we deal with things we have no influence on, we need our freedom of choice so bad that we put our every "free" thought on a balance scale , give it a sign, make it bad or good. Decisions we make in life are always both mistakes and right ways at the same time. It's only after the outcome that we choose their nature! If there are in each of those decisions, excuses and escape plans we can abuse, they become just roulette games... our choices come down to mere coin-flipping, all we are left with is to concur or not. Feel good about what we did or feel the sting of the mistake. Is that truly making a difference? Is that taking charge of our life? We think so, it's the best we can do, since it has to be done after all...

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